Automate your home

Let’s help you automate your house in an easy way

Smart Life for Everyone

    Are you going to start a new house, renovate a project, or just intend to make your home smarter in a simple way? Netplus home automation smart modules are your best choice.

    With them, you can easily transfer most household electrical appliances to IoT (Internet of Thing) devices at affordable costs, no need of reforming your house at all.

Smart Lighting

Manage your lights On-Off and the luminous intensity by smartphone

phone remote control of home lighting
home electric appliances controlled by smartphone

Appliance Control

Control your electrical appliances and monitor their power consumption with Netplus smart switches and plugs

Smart Shutters & Garage Doors

Control your shutters, sunblinds, window curtains or garage doors remotely and wirelessly

smart door window sensors for home security

Security & Safety

Monitor your house any time and anywhere

Home Automation Smart Products

Why choose Netplus

Strong R&D team

Our experienced engineering team is capble of development of new produts as per clients' request.

Highly compatible

Netplus devices are compatible with existing switch, no reforming.

Support OTA

Update new software, firmware or other data over-the-air.

No HUB required

Connect Netplus smart devices to your existing home Wi-Fi network without additional equipment.

0 +
Years Experience
0 +
0 +
Istalled Devices
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